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The Luxurious Stone Called Diamond


How often do we hear the statement that diamonds are forever and will always be a woman's best friend! A diamond's glitter, price and symbol of wealth and elegance never fail to attract women. If there is one jewelry that women hoped to own in her lifetime, it would be a jewelry with a diamond stone on it.


Since diamond is quite expensive generally, it is advisable that you buy it from a reliable jewelry store to assure the quality and fair price of the stone. Some unreliable sellers would hide the flaws of some diamond cut, but if you go to reputable jewelry stores, you will be guaranteed of real and good quality diamond jewelry. These reliable sellers will give you honest information about the stone and will not give you unreasonable price.


All diamonds are generally shiny and attractive to look at. Since it could be overwhelming, especially for first timers to buy diamond jewelry, there are some pointers so you can make the right decision in selecting your diamond jewelry. Learn how to buy wedding rings in


Know that diamonds are characterized by what we call the 4 C's. This means the cut, clarity, color and carats of diamond. There 4 features would be the basis on the price of the diamond, plus the size of the stone matters too. Diamonds are not all crystal clear as described. Some have yellowish and brownish hue around the stone. The most expensive diamond is colorless and transparent. Carats is the measurement of the weight of the diamond, which means, the more carats the diamond has, the higher is the price. Know that diamond carats are not the same as the gold carats. The clarity of the diamond is determined if there are flaws present within or outside the stone. The presence of flaws will reduce the amount or value of the stone. These flaws however cannot be seen through our naked eyes.  Know more about the custom engagement rings Melbourne.


It is a fact that diamonds are very expensive, so it is better to keep that in mind and your credit card ready when you go shopping for this type of jewelry. There are diamond jewelries that are sold on the internet. You can actually browse through the internet and see the various prices and designs. Generally, because of the low overhead or rental costs for sellers on the internet, their prices could be lower than buying it in the actual jewelry store. However, note that buying diamonds through online could be risky too especially some could be selling fake jewelries. There prices could be very attractive and the terms of payment, but you have to be very careful that the online store you are buying from is a reputable one. Check the reviews about the stores, see if they have certification for selling jewelries, and it is advisable that you do not buy auctioned pieces for these items could have flaws or fake at the worst. Check out the engagement rings Melbourne for more info.

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